IT'S MY CARRD (hi I'm Kotna)I made this carrd in 2020 because I love Modern Objects very much and it's been one of my main hyperfixations for the past 2+ years. Even if I don't talk about it much I can assure you that I think about it almost all the time.All art on this carrd is mine btw

What is Modern Objects?Glad you wanna know!! It's an object show, an animated series created by RickToons. It's on YouTube (you can watch it here!!!) and only has one episode and some shorts for now.. and is sorta cancelled but... It's still worth a watch!! I prommy!!!There's also a sorta spin-off episode that was supposed to be a series but got cancelled </3 it's called Show's Over and you can watch it here. It's a horror-ish thing though, just letting you know.

Spade is one of the main characters in Modern Objects, technically he's the MAIN main character.I don't have enough words to describe how much I love him as a character, there's just something about him that makes my brain go into hyper mode and I want to jump around and cry and bite things, I don't think anyone will ever understand it including myself.


also he's gay because I said so

Hi Rick, I hope you're doing well. Not sure what you're doing on this carrd but I hope you're having a nice day/night. Thank you for making me happy when I was at my worst. Thank you for showing me the light when I thought there was no hope. I'm so grateful that I found this silly little show and found you too :)I wonder when you're reading this LOL. I wonder where you are. But I hope you're okay and that you're happy with your life. Please take care of yourself for me, eat well and stay hydrated. Get enough sleep. Smile more because I love your smile. Ok that's enough buh bye